Melissianos, V. E., and Gantes, C. J. (2016). Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Beams with Internal Flexible Joints Resting on Elastic Foundation Modeling Buried Pipelines. Structures, 7: 138-152
Abstract | The buckling and post-buckling behavior of axially loaded Winkler beams with flexible internal hinges is addressed, aiming to provide a background for the investigation of upheaval buckling of buried pipelines equipped with flexible joints for their protection against activation of reverse seismic faults. In order to acquire qualitative understanding of the interaction between the hinge stiffness and the soil stiffness for different cases, the beams under investigation are considered as either simply-supported or clamped. At first, elastic critical buckling loads and corresponding eigenmodes are numerically obtained using linearized buckling analysis, and eigenmode cross-over is investigated considering soil and hinge rotational stiffness. Geometrically nonlinear analyses with imperfections (GNIA) are then performed, indicating for most cases descending post-buckling paths, thus unstable post-buckling behavior, with the exception of cases of very soft soil. The sensitivity of the response to initial imperfection shape and magnitude is also addressed, to identify their impact on the post-buckling behavior. Beam buckling behavior is moreover examined by considering the beam being surrounded by soil exhibiting different stiffness in the upward and the downward direction. The results are compared to the case of a continuous beam, in order to highlight the impact of internal hinges on the beam overall buckling behavior.