Vamvatsikos D. (2019). Funky structure behavior factors. Proceedings of the 16th D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Innsbruck, Austria
Abstract | Behavior (q-)factors are funky. They are fun and they are magic. Just look at how the symbol breaks the boring symmetry of a circle with a random squiggly or straight hanging tail. It perfectly embodies the spirit of the q-factor that on the surface, above the straight line of writing, seems profoundly round and deterministically predictable, while in reality it is all about the tail of unknown shape and magnitude that is hanging underneath. One may choose to ignore this, sweeping all uncertainty under a carpet of expert opinion, or attempt to directly measure it, using the best that the current state-of-art has to offer. The first option may be attractive for typical buildings, where considerable experience has been amassed, but will probably fail in misery for newer systems, interesting structures or unfamiliar situations. To capture this funky nature of the q-factor, let us try to provide a mathematically tractable definition and discuss ways of quantifying it, for a building, an ensemble of similar buildings, or a class of dissimilar buildings of the same structural system, spread over one or more sites.