Vamvatsikos D. (2019). Decision support for road infrastructure resilience: the panoptis perspective. Proceedings of the SECED 2019 Conference, Greenwich, UK
Abstract | The PANOPTIS consortium aims to leverage existing tools and services as well as remote sensing technologies to deliver an integrated platform that can address road infrastructure (RI) multi-hazard resilience. The scope of the project incorporates RI structural components (bridges, overpasses, interchanges, tunnels, slopes, retaining walls, pavements, and surface water drains), non-structural components (tunnel ventilation systems, traffic cameras and signposts), as well as interconnected non-RI components, such as power transmission lines and telecommunication towers. Both detailed and surrogate structural models will be developed for RI and non-RI components, quantifying and incorporating the epistemic uncertainty due to the detailed models’ reduction to surrogacy to allow a rapid high-resolution assessment of vulnerability, whereby loss, functionality and downtime become directly tied to rehabilitation/emergency action planning. The focus is on the development of a rapid-response decision-support tool that will employ measured data immediately after any seismic event to issue inspection prioritization protocols, facilitate the rapid assessment of the state of the RI, and help increase its resilience to catastrophic events.