Zacharias was born in Heraklion, Greece in 1987. He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (specialty on Structural Engineering) from National Technical University of Athens (years 2005-2010) and an MSc in Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures from the same university (2012). Since then, he is working as a Design Structural Engineer as a freelancer. He re-joined the Institute of Steel Structures of NTUA in 2014, starting his PhD studies in ‘Design of lattice towers with members from cold-formed angle sections’. His research also focuses on stability of structures (especially when dealing with energy transmission/telecommunication towers), finite element analyses with stochastic processes, mechanical properties of steel during and after fire events. He has participated in several research projects, co-funded by the EU and Greek agencies.

Now - 2013
Fasoulakis Z., Vamvatsikos D., Papadopoulos V. (2021). Stability of single-bolted thin-walled steel angle beam-columns with stochastic imperfections. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(8): 04021108, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0003061
Abstract | The focus of this paper is on the probabilistic estimation of the buckling capacity of single-bolted members from plain or lipped angle sections with stochastic geometric imperfections. A joint experimental-stochastic mechanics approach is adopted, employing in-house imperfection measurements of angle members in combination with detailed numerical models. Different slenderness values, plain and lipped angle sections, as well as single-brace or X-bracing diagonals are investigated in all cases accounting for the single-bolt connection. The member buckling loads are obtained via numerical analyses considering geometric and material nonlinearities with initial imperfections. The random variables are the geometric imperfections, the material properties, and the lateral load (wind pressure) on the member. Quatro-variate single-dimensional stochastic processes (the spectral representation method in connection with the method of separation) are used for the modeling of the geometric imperfections. It is shown that the influence of imperfections for typical lattice tower angle members is 3–6 times lower than the influence of material properties and lateral loading. All in all, current EU and US design provisions are found to be mostly conservative for the design of such members, while the use of equivalent imperfections in a numerical model can provide a more rational safety margin.
Z. Fasoulakis, X. Lignos, T. Avraam, S. Katsatsidis. (2019). Investigation on single-bolted cold-formed steel angles with geometric imperfections under compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 162: 1-13
Abstract | The behaviour of cold-formed steel angle members with bolted connections under compression is usually complicated, whereas not significant number of experimental tests is found in the literature. This study offers a better insight on the issue, by comparing experimental tests with a thorough numerical study, both carried out at the Institute of Steel Structures of NTUA. Significant attention is paid for the elaborate measurement of initial geometric imperfections along the member’s length. An in-house built deformation plotter was designed and upgraded for this reason. The compression failure loads of the experimental tests are illustrated both in graphical and tabular form and compared with similar tests of the literature. The results denote a prediction of the EN 1993-3-1 towards the safe side, for the case of the examined bolted cold-formed angles. A simple formula is proposed for the accurate prediction of angle columns’ buckling deformation, wherein the rigidity of the connection is also included. Finally, interesting conclusions are derived for the numerical simulation of cold-forming effects, as well as the shape and amplitude of the initial imperfect geometry, on the basis of the critical buckling load. Further research is in progress, aiming to capture the stochastic buckling response for the case of bolted cold-formed steel angles.
C. Maraveas, Z. Fasoulakis. (2018), Wind-induced failure analysis and retrofit of an existing steel structure. Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 8: 271-291
Abstract | The “Dimitrios Vikelas” athletic center in Ermoupolis of Syros, Greece, consists of two buildings. Building B has a steel superstructure that was constructed approximately 35 years ago. It was initially used as a boat shelter and no design calculations were made. It contains steel columns with varying cross section heights. The spans are bridged via trusses and I-beams. Significant geometrical inconsistencies are noted among the existing steel connections and failures have been recorded as a result of buckling in several beams and bracings during the service life of the athletic center. The current study presents an investigation performed in order to diagnose building structural problems and propose strengthening and intervention measures. The goal of this study was to improve the load-carrying capacity of the structure in order to comply with the current design codes. Moreover, enhancement of the dynamic properties of the strengthened structure was demonstrated using modal analyses. The structural behavior was determined in a more precise manner via non-linear wind time-history and incremental static analyses. The analytical results explain the development of failures in the existing structure.
Fasoulakis Z., Raftoyiannis I., Avraam T. (2017). Experimental and numerical study on single-bolted cold-formed angles under tension and compression. Earthquake Engineering, Frontiers in Built Environment, 3:75
Abstract | Angle sections are commonly designed to bear only axial force, usually neglecting the additional bending moments resulting from the eccentric connection and the shift of the effective centroid. The current work deals with the capacity of single-bolted equal angle sections made from cold-formed steel. The experimental investigation presented herein includes tension and compression tests that subsequently are compared with the corresponding code provisions. Numerical analyses are also presented based on a detailed finite element simulation. Finally, a reliability analysis is implemented in order to demonstrate the reliability of the design rules for cold-formed steel angle columns. Results indicate a small discrepancy on the strength prediction in general by EN 1993-1-3, as well as by the AISI for slender columns and a more conservative one by EN 1993-1-1. A comparison of the above results is clearly illustrated herein in graphical forms.
Maraveas C., Fasoulakis Z., Tsavdaridis K.D. (2017). Mechanical properties of high strength and very high strength at elevated temperatures and after cooling down. Fire Science Reviews, 6:3
Abstract | High-strength steels (HSS) are produced using special chemical composition or/and manufacturing processes. Both aspects affect their mechanical properties at elevated temperatures and after cooling down, and particularly the residual strength and the ductility of the structural members. As HSS equates the design of lighter structural elements, higher temperatures are developed internally compared to the elements designed with conventional carbon steel. Therefore, the low thickness members, along with the severe effect of high temperature on the mechanical properties of the HSS, constitute to the increased vulnerability of such structures in fire. Moreover, the re-use and reinstatement of these structures are more challenging due to the lower residual mechanical properties of HSS after the cooling down period. This paper presents a review of the available experimental studies of the mechanical properties of HSS at elevated temperatures and after cooling down. The experimental results are collected and compared with the proposed material model (reduction factors) of EN1993–1-2. Based on these comparisons, modified equations describing the effect of elevated temperatures on the mechanical properties of HSS are proposed. Also, the post-fire mechanical properties of HSS are examined. A comprehensive discussion on the effect of influencing parameters, such as manufacturing process, microstructure, loading conditions, maximum temperature, and others is further explored.
Maraveas C., Fasoulakis Z., Tsavdaridis K.D. (2017). Post-fire assessment and reinstatement of steel structures. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 8(2):181-201
Abstract | Purpose | This paper aims to present technical aspects of the assessment method and evaluation of fire damaged steel structures. The current work focuses on the behavior of structural normal steel (hot-rolled and cold-formed) and high-strength bolts after exposure to elevated temperatures. Information on stainless steel, cast iron and wrought iron is also presented.
Maraveas C., Fasoulakis Z., Tsavdaridis K.D. (2015). Human induced vibrations on footbridges: a review. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4): 422-433
Abstract | An extensive literature review of human induced vibrations that flexible footbridges experience is addressed in this study. Qualitative information is comprehensively included herein to provide common methods and code recommendations for the practicing engineers. The parameters affecting the dynamic response of footbridges excited by pedestrians are highlighted. In particular, the synchronous lateral excitation is addressed. This investigation can be valuable for the design criteria selection. In addition, this work contributes to the review of numerous case studies correlating important dynamic characteristics for various footbridge structural types, the variability of which confirms the complexity of the issue. Furthermore, vibration upgrading methods are described, focusing on applications of tuned mass dampers and remarkable conclusions are drawn.
Maraveas C., Tasiouli K., Fasoulakis Z. (2015). Assessment of the New Faliron steam-electric station in Greece. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 153: 247-259
Abstract | The New Faliron steam-electric station, the first one in Greece, is a listed historical building. The initial structure was constructed at the start of the 20th century but a number of interventions followed until the 1960s. The structure was built with natural stone masonry, steel trusses and floors (with jack arches and joist fillers) and concrete floors reinforced with twisted cold formed rebars. The 12.5m high masonries practically lack any lateral restraints while large openings (doors, windows) exist. This paper presents brief information on the history of the structure, phases of construction, description of structure (dimensions, types of structural systems, etc), material properties and pathology. In addition, detailed information is presented regarding the assessment performed in accordance with the current code specifications (Eurocodes), including seismic actions. Especially for the masonry, a detailed finite element model was developed, whereas the seismic forces were evaluated through alternative methodologies (modal response spectrum analysis per EC8 and time history analyses). For the assessment of the RC part a displacement based methodology was applied as it is restrained by the surrounding masonry walls. From the assessment analysis, useful conclusions are drawn regarding the seismic performance of high masonry structures without lateral restraints and the behaviour of similar industrial structures under seismic effects.
Fasoulakis Z., Avraam T., Raftoyiannis I. (2015). Dynamic buckling of partially-sway frames with varying stiffness using Catastrophe Theory. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 71: 116-126
Abstract | This work deals with the static and dynamic stability analysis of imperfect partially-sway frames with non-uniform columns. The examined two-bar frames are elastically supported and subjected to an eccentrically vertical load at their joint. Through a linear stability analysis, the effect of the taper ratio of the column cross-section on the buckling capacity of the partially-sway frame is thoroughly discussed. Using a non-linear method an accurate formula has been established for determining the exact asymmetric bifurcation point associated with the maximum load carrying capacity. These findings have been re-derived more readily using Catastrophe Theory (CT) and considering the frame as a one degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) system through an efficient technique. A local analysis allows us to classify, after reduction, the total potential energy (TPE) function of the system to one of the seven elementary Thom׳s catastrophes (with known properties) and to obtain static and dynamic singularity as well as bifurcational sets. It has been found that geometrical and loading imperfections, which are always present in structural engineering problems, have a significant effect on the dynamic buckling loads. The efficiency of the present approach is illustrated via several examples, while results from finite element analyses are in good agreement with the analytical solution presented herein.
T. Avraam, Z. Fasoulakis. (2013). Non-Linear Post-Buckling Analysis of Frames with Varying Cross-Section Columns. Journal of Engineering Structures, 56: 1-7
Abstract | A nonlinear static analysis is performed on an imperfect elastically supported two bar frame, which is subjected to a concentrated vertical load eccentrically at its joint. The column has a variable cross-section whereas the girder has a uniform cross-section. The variation ratio of the column cross- section is extensively investigated in combination with other geometric parameters (ratios of lengths and moments of inertia between column and girder) as well as loading parameters (loading eccentricity). Following a simplified procedure where the horizontal stiffness of the frame is modeled by a spring at the joint of the frame, it has been found that the developed axial force in the girder can be neglected (insignificant deviation of the exact results). Nonlinear finite element analysis is performed to verify the analytical results.

Fasoulakis Z., Vamvatsikos D., Papadopoulos V. (2021). Buckling strength of bolted steel members from plain angle sections with multivariate stochastic imperfections. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering UNCECOMP 2021, Athens, Greece.
Abstract | Spatial uncertain quantities such as the geometric imperfections are found of paramount importance when investigating the behaviour of thin-walled structures. The present work addresses the probabilistic estimation of the buckling capacity of single-bolted members from plain angle sections with stochastic geometric imperfections. The simulation is based on detailed experimental data of imperfections measured by an inhouse built set-up. The quatro-variate non-stationary stochastic processes herein combine the spectral representation method along with the method of separation, incorporating correlations between the imperfection components. The spectral separability check is also performed through a minor investigation. A large-scale nonlinear finite-element problem is defined to estimate the stochastic buckling capacities (in the frame of Monte Carlo simulation) for a bolted angle-section column. More uncertain parameters are then included, namely material properties and lateral load (wind pressure), towards an extended range of applicability. To this end, in order to improve the computational performance, the Latin hypercube sampling method is adopted. The resulting density distributions, presented in both tabular and graphical forms, reveal the influence of each parameter (and their combinations) on the buckling load variability and can be used also for probabilistic assessment.