Advanced structural solutions for automated steelrack supported warehouses

Automated Rack Supported Warehouses (ARSW) represent the future of storage technology, providing substantial savings in terms of cost, space and energy with respect to traditional warehouses. Currently, designers refer to building codes, without any control of their correct applicability to the specific typologies of these peculiar steel structures. This creates important safety and efficiency problems because ARSWs’ structural characteristics are considerably different from those of normal steel structures for buildings. Basing on an accurate evaluation of safety level of the design concepts actually adopted in current practice (in the total absence of specific design codes), the main objective of the proposal is the definition of dedicated innovative design approaches for ARSWs in not seismic and seismic conditions. In particular, attention will be focused on loading conditions that characterize the ARSWs during its installation and service life and on ductile design under seismic loading. Based on such analysis specific design rules and recommendations will be carried out for erection and design of ARSWs.
Project Funding
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Horizon 2020
Universita di Pisa (UNIPI)
FINCON Consulting Italia SRL (FINCONIT)
National Technical University of Athens – NTUA (NTUA)
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTHA ACHEN)
Universiteit Hasselt (UHasselt)
Noega Systems Sociedad Limitada (Noega)
Modulblok Spa (MODULBLOK SPA)
Sacma Spa (SACMA S.p.A.)
Nedcon bv (NEDCON BV)
Mecalux, s.a. (MECALUX, S.A.)
System Logistics s.p.a. (System Logs)
Universita degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI)
Time Period
Jul 2017 – Jun 2021
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