Fully dissipative and easily repairable devices for resilient buildings with composite steel concrete structures

Anti-seismic devices previously designed and characterized within RFCS Projects by the proposal’s authors will be further developed taking into account the experience collected so far. Optimized structural systems will be proposed, with improved dissipation, reliability and reparability features. Single storey buildings with seismic resistance provided by the improved devices will be built and subjected to strong earthquakes. Systematic post-earthquake repair and reassembly procedures for these buildings applied and provided as “instructions for use”. Ability of repaired systems to resist strong earthquakes will be examined. Economic and environmental benefits and improved resiliency properties of the proposed systems will be quantified.

Project Funding

EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel


Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)
Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)
National Technical University of Athens – NTUA (NTUA)
D. Sofras – Masina Team Anonimi Etaireia Metallikon & Mikanoyrgikon Ergasion (SOFMAN SA)
Universita Degli Studi di Trento (UNITN)
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH AACHEN)
RINA Colsulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali SPA (CSM SPA)
Universita di Pisa (UNIPI)

 Time Period

Jul 2018 – Dec 2021