Dimitris A. Tsarpalis was born in Athens, Greece in 1993. He holds a Diploma (5-year program, integrated master) in Civil Engineering with major in Structural Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, 2016) and a MSc in the Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures from the same university (2018). He has been a PhD student at the NTUA since Autumn 2017. His research has been supported by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) since 2018. His major research interests focus on the earthquake analysis of steel structures, especially on the seismic behavior of pallet racking systems, such as the innovative Automated Rack Supported Warehouses. He has a demonstrated research experience with participation in research projects and publications of journal and conference papers. Dimitris is active as a freelance consulting engineer and has participated in the design of various reinforced concrete and steel structures. He is a Chartered Engineer since 2017 (member of the Technical Chamber of Greece). He has also interest in the development of structural analysis software and computer graphics.

Now - 2019
Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D., Delladonna F., Fabini M., Hermanek J., Margotan P. D., Sesana S., Vantusso E., Vayas I. (2022). Macro-characteristics and taxonomy of steel racking systems for seismic vulnerability assessment. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20: 2695–2718.
Abstract | Steel racking systems are civil engineering structures used to store goods and materials before their distribution to the public. In order to serve different logistic needs, a variety of rack typologies with different uses and salient characteristics has evolved over time. As a result, racks can range from large independent buildings in the form of the Automated Rack Supported Warehouses, down to compact sub-structures, or even smaller-scale shelves contained in warehousing units. Still, in all their incarnations they represent significant capital investment in terms of structure and stored goods in need of assessment. Despite their differences in terms of usability and functionality, racking structures share common macro-characteristics that can be summarized in a flexible and collapsible taxonomy, providing the risk analyst with sufficient identification to develop exposure and seismic vulnerability models. The proposed taxonomy adopts the same terminology as the Building Taxonomy of the Global Earthquake Model, comprising five basic classes or Attributes, capable of characterizing any existing, contemporary and upcoming rack typology.
Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D., Vayas I. (2021). Seismic assessment approaches for mass‐dominant sliding contents: The case of storage racks. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics.
Abstract | The typical view of seismic performance of structure-content systems is one of segregation: Contents are assumed to be of low mass relative to the supporting structure, leading to a separate treatment of the two, whereby one first analyzes the structure and then subjects any contents to the resulting peak floor acceleration responses. Racking structures are of the exact opposite persuasion, having massive “palletized” contents that can slide on top of light cold-formed steel frames, with Content-Structure-Sliding Interaction (CSSI) governing global and local response. In support of assessment and design, three approaches are investigated to capture CSSI: (i) introducing friction sliders per pallet and running nonlinear response-history analysis, (ii) increasing the model viscous damping and using elastic response-history analysis, and (iii) reducing the horizontal seismic loads in tandem with modal response spectrum analysis. Each comes with its own challenges and modelling/analysis needs, offering different levels of accuracy (or no appreciable capability at all) when assessing the actual sliding displacement of contents. Three case studies are employed to calibrate empirical relationships for damping amplification and seismic load reduction, largely removing the bias of simpler alternatives (ii) and (iii), respectively, to level the ground for future code applications.
Tsarpalis D., Vayas I., Thanopoulos P., Vamvatsikos D. (2021). Rehabilitation of reinforced concrete building using the fuseis beam-link system. Structures, 34(12):3300-3314.
Abstract | A methodology is introduced for applying the FUSEIS beam-link steel lateral-load-resisting system for strengthening existing reinforced-concrete buildings. The purpose is to take advantage of the easy replaceability and architectural versatility of the FUSEIS systems to strengthen a deficient structure, while minimizing the economic impact of the rehabilitation works due to suspension of the operation of the building. Additionally, a case study is presented, where an existing building is upgraded by introducing FUSEIS beam-link systems, first by performing response spectra analysis using an initial behaviour factor, then refining the results via the INNOSEIS performance-based methodology. This necessitates the use of nonlinear dynamic analyses to quantify a risk-consistent behaviour factor that incorporates the effect of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty on the actual systems’ performance. Finally, a pre-normative assessment for the q-factor of FUSEIS-beam link systems is achieved, for use in existing reinforced concrete buildings within Eurocode 8.
Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D., Vayas, I., Delladonna F. (2021). Simplified Modeling for the Seismic Performance Assessment of Automated Rack-Supported Warehouses. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(11): 04021189.
Abstract | A reduced-order modeling approach is proposed for the linear and nonlinear analysis of automated rack-supported warehouse (ARSW) structures under seismic loads. Steel ARSWs are massive structures that employ traditional racking configurations to support both the stored pallets and the external cladding shell. Capturing all the structural details of an ARSW requires tens or hundreds of thousands of elements, leading to complex numerical models that are analyzed with difficulty even in the linear range and are clearly unsuitable for nonlinear analysis. Thus, despite being prolific in earthquake-prone areas, their true seismic behavior remains largely untested. As a viable compromise between fidelity and low computational cost, we offer instead a reduced-order model that relies on the substitution of the one or more built-up columns (i.e., upright frames) with equivalent Timoshenko beam-column elements and two-node link elements. The resulting model can support both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) elastic and inelastic analyses, offering a powerful tool for the seismic assessment of ARSWs and of complex structures comprising built-up columns in general.
Avgerinou S., Lignos X., Tsarpalis D., Vayas I. (2019) Full-scale tests on used steel storage racks. Steel Construction, 12: 231-242.
Abstract | Industrial storage operators use not only new pallet racking systems, but also old ones for which certification documents possibly do not exist. In order to check the carrying capacity of such racks, in addition to component tests, full‐scale experimental tests were carried out on complete structures to help the development of reliable numerical models. The racks were subjected to vertical and pushover loads in the laboratory using an improved version of the base plates to achieve fixed support conditions. Vertical loading was imposed by filling tanks with water, an operation that was activated and controlled through an innovative hydraulic network specifically designed for this purpose. During the vertical loading tests, a moderate earthquake took place near the experimental facility and this influenced the rack behaviour positively. The spine brace was too flexible in the out‐of‐plane direction and did not participate in the resistance to lateral forces. Distortional buckling of the columns was observed at high lateral loads. The experimental tests allowed the calculation of conservative values for the behaviour factor q.

Now - 2019
Tsarpalis D., Karaferi E., Mohsen K., Vamvatsikos D., Zeppos J. (2024). A Mesoeconomic Resilience Framework For Regional Seismic Assessment Studies. Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy.
Abstract | On account that modern societies cannot be built on earthquake-proof infrastructure (e.g., buildings, roads, power supplies), increasing resilience through preparedness and adaptation measures is the state-ofart approach to reduce severe consequences to core community functions. From an economic standpoint, the impact of a disaster can be discretized into two parts: (i) the direct losses, which comprise the cost needed to repair/replace the damaged/destroyed assets and (ii) the indirect losses, which are related to the reduction of gross valued added during the post-event period. Currently, most regional risk assessment studies are focusing on the evaluation of the direct losses, either ignoring the indirect part or using qualitative approaches to coarsely assess its impact. In support of risk assessment and crisis mitigation planning, a meso-scale economic resilience framework is proposed that allows a quantitative estimate of indirect loss in tandem with conventional direct loss assessment. The model is based upon a sector-wide approach, in which the individual businesses operating within the community are aggregated into compact sectors. Subsequently, the postevent performance of each sector is assessed using three indices, (a) the infrastructure index to measure the reduced productivity of a sector due to direct infrastructure damages, (b) the input index to propagate disruptions in the supply chain by employing Vendor Dependence Tables, and (c) the output index to reflect the reduction of demand due to disruptions (a) and (b). The model is designed to accommodate the salient characteristics of modern urban societies, addressing complex socioeconomic aspects such as the adaptive behaviour of residents and visitors, and the capability of a sector to redistribute business traffic within or outside the community. The methodology is demonstrated in the historical city of Granada in Spain, using three hypothetical earthquake scenarios of incremental intensity and impact.
Denaro S., Valerio C., Bussi G., Faga E., Karaferi E., Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D. (2024). Financial Risk Management For Earthquake Disaster: A Case Study Of Rhodes And Granada. Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy.
Abstract | A comprehensive disaster risk management strategy is crucial for mitigating the impact of earthquakes and safeguarding valuable cultural heritage. This study, developed within the EU funded project HYPERION, focuses on the cities of Rhodes and Granada, which possess significant cultural assets subject to seismic hazard. Financial risk management plays a pivotal role in this strategy by enabling resource mobilization for efficient disaster response and minimizing long-term financial consequences. Herein we explore the implementation of ex-ante financing options, which are financial arrangements established before disasters occur, to ensure swift and effective response measures. Ex-ante financing options encompass two main approaches: risk retention and risk transfer mechanisms. Risk retention involves setting aside resources, such as contingency funds or individual/shared reserves, for immediate post-disaster use. On the other hand, risk transfer mechanisms shift financial risk to third parties, such as insurance companies or capital markets. To optimize these financing options, we employ a comprehensive approach known as risk layering, which categorizes risks based on their return periods or probabilities. Risk layering facilitates the strategic deployment of various financial tools for each risk layer, resulting in enhanced efficiency and reduced overall costs of risk financing. The aim is to develop a financial risk management strategy based on risk layering for stakeholders in macro-sectors with shared risk characteristics and synergies. We define three risk layers: (i) low-impact, high-frequency risks, where risk retention measures like contingency or mutual funds are most appropriate; (ii) medium-to-severe risks occurring at lower frequencies, for which risk transfer through parametric insurance is identified as the optimal financial risk management tool; and (iii) very high-impact, highly infrequent risks, requiring risk absorption through financial assistance from the public sector and international donors. To determine the most cost-effective thresholds for each layer and stakeholder macrosector, we employ an optimization approach. By tailoring risk management options to the specific needs of different stakeholders and considering their capacity to absorb risk, our research contributes to effective disaster financial risk management for earthquake-prone areas.
Karaferi E., Kohrangi M., Spillatura A., Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D. (2024). Seismic Risk, Direct, And Indirect Losses For The Historic City Of Rhodes. Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy.
Abstract | A risk assessment model is developed for the historic city of Rhodes, Greece, with a focus on the buildings, residential and commercial, that are at risk from earthquakes, the main hazard that the city faces. The structural integrity of the buildings of Rhodes is tested under a stochastic event set of spatially correlated ground motion fields. They are generated with the OpenQuake platform via an event-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for 10,000 years using the 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model. All commercial or mixed-use buildings are assigned to corresponding lines of business according to census data and expert opinion, while using data from the 2020 European Seismic Risk Model to determine vulnerability functions, and from HAZUS-MH to assess the related downtime. The assessment takes as input the exposure model, the hazard, and the vulnerability of the assets to return the direct and the indirect losses per line of business. This allows the determination of the direct consequences to the city, translated to the economic losses to rebuild or renovate the damaged buildings. Stemming from the direct losses and especially the downtime, a mesoeconomic model is employed to determine the losses caused by business interruption on an event-by-event basis. By thus providing a comprehensive assessment of the risk faced by the city, the model can be used to develop a socioeconomic impact model and support the development of financial mitigation tools.
Tsarpalis D., Karaferi E., Vamvatsikos D., Kohrangi M., Zeppos J. (2023). A socioeconomic model for estimating indirect consequences of earthquake hazards to cultural heritage communities. Proceedings of the SECED 2023 Conference, Cambridge, UK.
Abstract | A socioeconomic model of the residents and visitors (i.e., users) and the local economy (i.e., production and consumption of goods, services, and small businesses) is proposed to simulate the core functions of a cultural heritage community. Given the direct infrastructure damages of an event, as those are derived by vulnerability and hazard assessment, the model is able to quantify the indirect losses per critical business sector as they evolve over time. This is
accomplished by first deriving downtime estimates per sector, propagating the resulting disruptions through the demand-supply chain of the community, and then tracking their eventual recovery. The model is designed to accommodate the salient socioeconomic characteristics of the cultural heritage community, by giving heed to effects such as the adaptive behavior of the site visitors and the occurrence of an adverse event during a high or a low season for tourism. The methodology is finally illustrated and verified on the basis of several earthquake scenarios derived for the historical city of Rhodes, highlighting the potential usage of the tool during risk mitigation planning and post-event decision-making.
Natali A., Morelli F., Salvatore W., Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D. (2022). Experimental validation of plastic ovalization strategy for seismic-resistant automated rack supported warehouses. Proceedings of the ANIDIS2022 Italian National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Torino, Italy.
Abstract |
Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D., Vayas I. (2019). Structural analysis of pallet racking systems using equivalent beam-column elements. Proceedings of the 4th Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in greek)
Περίληψη | Τα Αυτοματοποιημένα Συστήματα Αποθήκευσης Παλετών (ΑΣΑΠ) είναι σύγχρονα μεταλλικά κτίρια μεγάλων διαστάσεων από διατομές ψυχρής ελάσεως. Έχουν διπλή στατική λειτουργία, στηρίζοντας ταυτόχρονα παλέτες και την στέγαση/κάλυψη του κτιρίου. Αν και χρησιμοποιούνται σε περιοχές υψηλής σεισμικότητας, η πραγματική τους πλαστιμότητα είναι άγνωστη και συνήθως σχεδιάζονται με χαμηλούς συντελεστές συμπεριφοράς της τάξεως του 2.0. Ακριβέστερη ποσοτικοποίηση μπορεί να επιτευχθεί μόνο με αξιόπιστη ανελαστική προσομοίωση, η οποία είναι πρακτικώς αδύνατη, τόσο λόγω υπολογιστικού φόρτου, όσο και λόγω της αδυναμίας επίτευξης σύγκλισης, δεδομένου των εκατοντάδων χιλιάδων μελών. Η μόνη τεχνική που μπορεί να βοηθήσει είναι η χρήση ενός απλούστερου προσομοιώματος το οποίο θα ισορροπεί μεταξύ της ακρίβειας των αποτελεσμάτων και της υπολογιστικής απλότητας. Η λύση που προτείνεται περιλαμβάνει την αντικατάσταση των σύνθετων δοκών και υποστυλωμάτων των ραφιών από στοιχεία δοκού-στύλου τύπου Timoshenko. Αρχικά συγκρίνονται τα αποτελέσματα ελαστικών στατικών αναλύσεων και αναλύσεων ιδιομορφών ενώ στη συνέχεια η μέθοδος επεκτείνεται και στη μη γραμμική περιοχή, όπου το ισοδύναμο μοντέλο παρουσιάζει σημαντική μείωση του χρόνου ανάλυσης και βελτίωση της ευρωστίας.
Tsarpalis D., Vamvatsikos D., Vayas I. (2019). Simplified models for the nonlinear analysis of ARSW structures under seismic loading. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2019 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece
Abstract | Automated Rack Supported Warehouses (ARSW) are the state of the art in storage technology, as they provide substantial savings in terms of cost, space and energy with respect to traditional solutions. Despite their lightness, ARSWs carry very high live loads, by far higher than their self-weight, in contrast to what happens in typical civil engineering structures. Thus, standard design approaches are not applicable, especially when one considers lateral loading, i.e. seismic and wind loading.
In the frame of the STEELWAR project, the behavior factor (q) as well as the seismic fragility shall be assessed for a number of archetype warehouses. FEM modelling for such structures is a tedious task; they consist of hundreds or thousands steel members and nodes connected to each other through simple and semirigid joints. Modern computers accompanied with efficient computational algorithms can handle linear systems with ease and thus, linear analysis can be performed by including all structural components in the analysis model. Problems arise when one considers nonlinear phenomena i.e. material and geometric nonlinearity. Simulations that take into account all ARSW members and their nonlinear response may lead to prohibitive computational costs, while introducing convergence and numerical stability problems. As a direct remedy, a reduced-order physical model is proposed that enables accurate assessment of nonlinear behavior without compromising convergence performance.