Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D., Aschheim M. (2014). Application of nonlinear static procedures for seismic assessment of regular RC moment frame buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 30(2): 767-794
Abstract | The applicability of nonlinear static procedures for estimating the seismic demands of typical regular RC moment-resisting frames is evaluated. This work, conducted within the framework of the ATC-76-6 project, shows the degree to which nonlinear static methods can characterize global and local response demands vis-à–vis those determined by nonlinear dynamic analysis for three RC moment-frame buildings. The response quantities (engineering demand parameters) considered are peak story displacements, story drifts, story shears, and floor overturning moments. The single-mode pushover methods evaluated include the N2 and the ASCE-41 coefficient methods. Multi-modal pushover methods, such as modal pushover analysis and the consecutive modal pushover method, were also evaluated. The results indicate that the relatively good performance of the single-mode methods observed for low-rise buildings rapidly deteriorates as the number of stories increases. The multi-modal techniques generally extend the range of applicability of pushover methods, but at the cost of additional computation and without ensuring the reliability of the results.