Bakalis K., Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Surrogate modeling for the seismic performance assessment of liquid storage tanks. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(4): 04016199.

By |2020-12-11T16:04:56+02:00May 22nd, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Bakalis K., Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Surrogate modeling for the seismic performance assessment of liquid storage tanks. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(4): 04016199. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001667 Bakalis K., Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D. [...]

Melissianos V., Vamvatsikos D., Gantes C.J. (2017). Performance assessment of buried pipelines at fault crossings. Earthquake Spectra, 33(1): 201-218.

By |2020-12-11T16:06:52+02:00April 23rd, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Melissianos V., Vamvatsikos D., Gantes C.J. (2017). Performance assessment of buried pipelines at fault crossings. Earthquake Spectra, 33(1): 201-218. DOI: 10.1193/122015eqs187m Melissianos V., Vamvatsikos D., Gantes C.J. (2017). Performance assessment of buried pipelines [...]

Melissianos, V. E., Lignos, X. A., Mpachas, K., and Gantes, C. J. (2017). Experimental Investigation of Pipes with Flexible Joints under Fault Rupture. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 128: 633-68. DOI:10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.09.026

By |2020-12-30T16:34:34+02:00January 27th, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Melissianos, V. E., Lignos, X. A., Mpachas, K., and Gantes, C. J. (2017). Experimental Investigation of Pipes with Flexible Joints under Fault Rupture. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 128: 633-68. DOI:10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.09.026 Melissianos, V. [...]

Gantes, C. J., and Melissianos, V. E. (2016). Evaluation of Seismic Protection Methods for Buried Fuel Pipelines Subjected to Fault Rupture. Frontiers in Built Environment, 2(34). DOI:10.3389/fbuil.2016.00034

By |2020-12-11T16:11:14+02:00December 27th, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Gantes, C. J., and Melissianos, V. E. (2016). Evaluation of Seismic Protection Methods for Buried Fuel Pipelines Subjected to Fault Rupture. Frontiers in Built Environment, 2:34. DOI:10.3389/fbuil.2016.00034 Gantes, C. J., and Melissianos, V. [...]

Baltzopoulos G., Vamvatsikos D., Iervolino I. (2016). Analytical modelling of near-source pulse-like seismic demand for multi-linear backbone oscillators. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(11): 1797-1815.

By |2020-12-11T16:16:39+02:00December 23rd, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Baltzopoulos G., Vamvatsikos D., Iervolino I. (2016). Analytical modelling of near-source pulse-like seismic demand for multi-linear backbone oscillators. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(11): 1797-1815. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2729 Baltzopoulos G., Vamvatsikos D., Iervolino I. [...]

Melissianos, V. E., Korakitis, G. P., Gantes, C. J., and Bouckovalas, G. D. (2016). Numerical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Flexible Joints in Buried Pipelines Subjected to Strike-Slip Fault Rupture. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 90: 395-410. DOI:10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.09.012

By |2020-12-30T16:32:56+02:00November 27th, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Melissianos, V. E., Korakitis, G. P., Gantes, C. J., and Bouckovalas, G. D. (2016). Numerical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Flexible Joints in Buried Pipelines Subjected to Strike-Slip Fault Rupture. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, [...]

Dimopoulos A.I., Tzimas A.S., Karavasilis T.L., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Probabilistic economic seismic loss estimation in steel buildings using post-tensioned moment-resisting frames and viscous dampers. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(11): 1725-1741.

By |2020-12-11T16:22:51+02:00November 23rd, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Dimopoulos A.I., Tzimas A.S., Karavasilis T.L., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Probabilistic economic seismic loss estimation in steel buildings using post-tensioned moment-resisting frames and viscous dampers. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(11): 1725-1741. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2722 [...]

Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Implications of IM selection for seismic loss assessment of 3D buildings. Earthquake Spectra. Earthquake Spectra, 32(4):2167-2189.

By |2020-12-11T16:24:30+02:00October 23rd, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Implications of IM selection for seismic loss assessment of 3D buildings. Earthquake Spectra. Earthquake Spectra, 32(4):2167-2189. DOI: 10.1193/112215EQS177M Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Implications [...]

Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Vector and scalar IMs in structural response estimation: Part II – Building Demand Assessment. Earthquake Spectra. Earthquake Spectra, 32(3): 1525-1543.

By |2020-12-11T16:26:15+02:00September 23rd, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D. (2016). Vector and scalar IMs in structural response estimation: Part II - Building Demand Assessment. Earthquake Spectra. Earthquake Spectra, 32(3): 1525-1543. DOI: 10.1193/053115EQS081M Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., [...]

Melissianos, V. E., and Gantes, C. J. (2016). Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Beams with Internal Flexible Joints Resting on Elastic Foundation Modeling Buried Pipelines. Structures, 7: 138-152. DOI:10.1016/j.istruc.2016.06.007

By |2020-12-30T16:31:31+02:00August 27th, 2016|Journal Papers, Publications|

Melissianos, V. E., and Gantes, C. J. (2016). Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Beams with Internal Flexible Joints Resting on Elastic Foundation Modeling Buried Pipelines. Structures, 7: 138-152. DOI:10.1016/j.istruc.2016.06.007 Melissianos, V. E., and [...]

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