Vamvatsikos D. (2009). Optimal multi-objective seismic design of a highway bridge by selective use of nonlinear static and dynamic analyses. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Osaka, Japan.

By |2020-12-15T11:57:30+02:00December 9th, 2009|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D. (2009). Optimal multi-objective seismic design of a highway bridge by selective use of nonlinear static and dynamic analyses. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Osaka, Japan [...]

Vamvatsikos D., Akkar S., Miranda E. (2009). Estimating the dynamic instability of oscillators with non-trivial backbones. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2009 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes, Greece.

By |2020-12-15T11:58:27+02:00October 9th, 2009|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D., Akkar S., Miranda E. (2009). Estimating the dynamic instability of oscillators with non-trivial backbones. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2009 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes, Greece Vamvatsikos [...]

Celarec D., Dolsek M., Vamvatsikos D. (2009). Estimation of the seismic risk of RC frames with consideration of capacity degradation over time. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2009 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes, Greece.

By |2020-12-15T11:59:17+02:00September 9th, 2009|Conference Papers, Publications|

Celarec D., Dolsek M., Vamvatsikos D. (2009). Estimation of the seismic risk of RC frames with consideration of capacity degradation over time. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2009 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake [...]

Fragiadakis D., Vamvatsikos D. (2009). Performance uncertainty estimation using simplified methods of analysis. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2009 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes, Greece.

By |2020-12-15T12:01:23+02:00August 9th, 2009|Conference Papers, Publications|

Fragiadakis D., Vamvatsikos D. (2009). Performance uncertainty estimation using simplified methods of analysis. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2009 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes, Greece Fragiadakis D., Vamvatsikos D. [...]

Vamvatsikos D., Fragiadakis M. (2008). Seismic performance uncertainty of a 9-story steel frame with non-deterministic beam-hinge properties. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.

By |2020-12-15T12:02:48+02:00December 9th, 2008|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D., Fragiadakis M. (2008). Seismic performance uncertainty of a 9-story steel frame with non-deterministic beam-hinge properties. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China Vamvatsikos D., Fragiadakis M. (2008). [...]

Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D. (2008). Approximate seismic performance uncertainty estimation using static pushover methods. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.

By |2020-12-15T12:03:34+02:00November 9th, 2008|Conference Papers, Publications|

Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D. (2008). Approximate seismic performance uncertainty estimation using static pushover methods. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China Fragiadakis M., Vamvatsikos D. (2008). Approximate seismic performance [...]

Vamvatsikos D., Zeris C. (2008). Influence of uncertain vertical loads and accelerations on the seismic behavior of an RC building. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in greek).

By |2020-12-15T12:04:21+02:00October 9th, 2008|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D., Zeris C. (2008). Influence of uncertain vertical loads and accelerations on the seismic behavior of an RC building. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in [...]

Vamvatsikos D., Christodoulou S., Georgiou C. (2008). Visualizing damage, cost and repair scheduling for post-earthquake building rehabilitation. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in greek).

By |2020-12-15T12:05:05+02:00September 9th, 2008|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D., Christodoulou S., Georgiou C. (2008). Visualizing damage, cost and repair scheduling for post-earthquake building rehabilitation. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in greek) [...]

Giannelos C., Vamvatsikos D. (2008). Simplified methods of nonlinear dynamic analysis of a bridge under bi-directional seismic loading. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in greek).

By |2020-12-15T12:05:51+02:00August 9th, 2008|Conference Papers, Publications|

Giannelos C., Vamvatsikos D. (2008). Simplified methods of nonlinear dynamic analysis of a bridge under bi-directional seismic loading. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, Greece (in greek) [...]

Kazantzi A.K., Righiniotis T.D. (2009). Seismic reliability of a steel MRF designed to EC8. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic National Conference of Steel Structures, Ioannina, Greece (in greek).

By |2020-12-30T15:25:48+02:00April 27th, 2008|Conference Papers, Publications|

Kazantzi A.K., Righiniotis T.D. (2009). Seismic reliability of a steel MRF designed to EC8. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic National Conference of Steel Structures, Ioannina, Greece (in greek) Kazantzi A.K., Righiniotis T.D. (2009). [...]

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