About Eirini Vourlakou

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So far Eirini Vourlakou has created 346 blog entries.

Baltzopoulos G., Baraschino R., Iervolino I., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). SPO2FRAG: Software for seismic fragility assessment based on static pushover. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(10): 4399-4425.

By |2020-12-11T15:43:34+02:00October 22nd, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Baltzopoulos G., Baraschino R., Iervolino I., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). SPO2FRAG: Software for seismic fragility assessment based on static pushover. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(10): 4399-4425. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-017-0145-3 Baltzopoulos G., Baraschino R., Iervolino I., [...]

Olmati P., Vamvatsikos D., Stewart M. (2017). Safety factor for structural elements subjected to impulsive blast loads. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 106: 249-258. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2017.04.009

By |2020-12-11T15:45:53+02:00September 22nd, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Olmati P., Vamvatsikos D., Stewart M. (2017). Safety factor for structural elements subjected to impulsive blast loads. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 106: 249-258. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2017.04.009 Olmati P., Vamvatsikos D., Stewart M. (2017). [...]

Vayas I., Vamvatsikos D., Thanopoulos P. (2017). Innovative systems for seismic resistance: The INNOSEIS project. Proceedings of the EUROSTEEL 2017 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

By |2020-12-15T10:08:15+02:00September 15th, 2017|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vayas I., Vamvatsikos D., Thanopoulos P. (2017). Innovative systems for seismic resistance: The INNOSEIS project. Proceedings of the EUROSTEEL 2017 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark Vayas I., Vamvatsikos D., Thanopoulos P. (2017). Innovative systems for [...]

Vamvatsikos D., Castiglioni C., Bakalis K., Calado L., D’ Aniello M., Degee H., Hoffmeister B., Pinkawa M., Proenca J.M., Kanyilmaz A., Morelli F., Stratan A., Vayas I. (2017). A risk-consistent approach to determine behavior factors for innovative steel lateral load resisting systems. Proceedings of the EUROSTEEL 2017 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

By |2020-12-15T10:17:14+02:00September 14th, 2017|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D., Castiglioni C., Bakalis K., Calado L., D' Aniello M., Degee H., Hoffmeister B., Pinkawa M., Proenca J.M., Kanyilmaz A., Morelli F., Stratan A., Vayas I. (2017). A risk-consistent approach to determine behavior factors [...]

Bakalis K., Vamvatsikos D., Pyrza S. (2017). Q-factor verification of a 3-storey concentrically braced frame via the INNOSEIS risk-based approach. Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larisa, Greece.

By |2020-12-15T10:18:13+02:00September 1st, 2017|Conference Papers, Publications|

Bakalis K., Vamvatsikos D., Pyrza S. (2017). Q-factor verification of a 3-storey concentrically braced frame via the INNOSEIS risk-based approach. Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larisa, Greece Bakalis [...]

Katsanos E.I., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Yield Frequency Spectra and seismic design of code-compatible RC structures: an illustrative example. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(11):1727-1745. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2877

By |2020-12-11T15:47:50+02:00August 22nd, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Katsanos E.I., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Yield Frequency Spectra and seismic design of code-compatible RC structures: an illustrative example. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(11):1727-1745. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2877 Katsanos E.I., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Yield Frequency [...]

Kazantzi A.K., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Vibration control of an industrial composite slab subjected to impact loads and improvement of the overall building seismic performance using toggle-brace dampers. Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larisa, Greece.

By |2020-12-15T10:19:16+02:00August 6th, 2017|Conference Papers, Publications|

Kazantzi A.K., Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Vibration control of an industrial composite slab subjected to impact loads and improvement of the overall building seismic performance using toggle-brace dampers. Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic National Conference on [...]

Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D., Spillatura A. (2017). Conditional spectrum based ground motion record selection using average spectral acceleration. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(10):1667-1685. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2876

By |2020-12-11T15:52:29+02:00July 22nd, 2017|Journal Papers, Publications|

Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos D., Spillatura A. (2017). Conditional spectrum based ground motion record selection using average spectral acceleration. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(10):1667-1685. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2876 Kohrangi M., Bazzurro P., Vamvatsikos [...]

Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Performance-based seismic design in real life: The good, the bad and the ugly. Proceedings of the ANIDIS2017 Italian National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Pistoia, Italy.

By |2020-12-15T10:20:21+02:00July 6th, 2017|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Performance-based seismic design in real life: The good, the bad and the ugly. Proceedings of the ANIDIS2017 Italian National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Pistoia, Italy Vamvatsikos D. (2017). Performance-based seismic [...]

Vamvatsikos D., Bakalis K., Vayas I., Castiglioni C., Kanyilmaz A., Morelli F., Stratan A., D’ Aniello M., Calado L., Proenca J.M., Degee H., Hoffmeister B., Pinkawa M. (2017). The INNOSEIS approach on determining EN1998-compatible behavior factors for introducing new steel lateral load resisting systems. Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larisa, Greece.

By |2020-12-15T10:21:23+02:00July 6th, 2017|Conference Papers, Publications|

Vamvatsikos D., Bakalis K., Vayas I., Castiglioni C., Kanyilmaz A., Morelli F., Stratan A., D' Aniello M., Calado L., Proenca J.M., Degee H., Hoffmeister B., Pinkawa M. (2017). The INNOSEIS approach on determining EN1998-compatible behavior [...]

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